
Course Information

Critical Thinking & WrittenCommunication (ENG 2301)

Term: 2023-2024 Academic Year - Fall Semester


Tue-Thu, 7:00 PM - 8:20 PM (9/4/2023 - 12/27/2023) Location: MAIN 04 107


Pre-requisites: Successful completion of all SSK courses, ENG 1301 and COM 1301
This course is designed to perfect writing skills necessary to advanced undergraduate writing in the humanities and social sciences and especially to
improve students' abilities to write cogent argumentative prose in academic settings. It will build on the skills of clarity, coherence, and attention to audience and purpose established in ENG 1301 and COM 1301, and will emphasize the refinement of writers' abilities to incorporate research appropriately and gracefully into texts. The course will provide instruction and practice in the identification and analysis of the written and spoken argumentation of others.It includes exposure to and practice in a variety of approaches to argumentation, including those of Aristotle,Toulmin, Habermas, and Rogers.It includes instruction in identifying and framing issues, recognizing argument styles, reading argumentation, and identifying and a