
Course Information

English Composition Ii (ENG 1302)

Term: 2009-2010 Fall Semester


Madia Jamina Thomson
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Tue-Thu, 8:00 AM - 9:20 AM (8/31/2009 - 12/11/2009) Location: MAIN 04 101


Pre-requisite: ENG 1301
This course should be taken in the semester following the successful completion of ENG 1301. Building on the writing skills developed in ENG 1301 and the skills acquired in SSK 1204, this course focuses on research writing. It concentrates on the skills needed to produce documented essays. These skills are to be practiced in three progressively longer documented essays.Students are required to demonstrate knowledge of (i) critical response to texts (ii) summarizing and paraphrasing (iii) Synthesis of material, and (iv) quoting and citing sources. By the end of the semester, students will be required to write a major research paper of at least eight pages in which they should use the skills listed above.